Acne and acne scars could drain your level of self-assurance and esteem. It could have a toll on your life too. As a matter of fact, males are more prone to acne and scars and also suffer from deep scars from an early age. The depth of the scars could be too intense that recovery from the same would prove to be far from a cakewalk. It is, therefore, best advised to treat acne before they develop into scars. We have clients who approach us before their marriages and individuals appearing for job interviews seeking an acne and scar free life. Apart from seeking clear skin for professional reasons, we also have people wanting to look smart and have healthy skin. We’ll assure you that it is pretty common and not something to be worried about at all.

Men usually have a combination of acne and acne scars. In order to treat the same, we move through a variety of combination treatments. Know more about acne and acne scars by clicking here.

Combination treatments include correcting the imperfections and enhancing the features. The scars become especially evident when the skin begins to sag and lose its elasticity. It hinders your aspiration in various walks of life by getting deeper and more prominent as time elapses. You’ll look older than you actually are and less appealing. If the scars are too depressed, we use fillers to lift them up and treat the same. The treatment options include Microneedling, Pixel treatment using Erbium YAG lasers, subscision, TCA cross peel etc. For clients who have both acne and scars together, combination treatments are prescribed. To Know more about acne and acne scars, Click here
One of the ideal ways to treat acne is using Intense Pulsed Light. The light emitted from the IPL system targets overactive sebaceous glands, and reduces the active lesions and their severity. This lessens the inflammation and occurrence of break-outs. The light, emitting out of it stimulates the production of collagen and elastin which improves the skin texture and reduces the appearance of scars. The number of treatments and sessions required varies according to the person. We offer many other customized treatments too that correct the issues of acne and remove scarring generally through exfoliation and rejuvenation.